Akoma Ntoso (Architecture for Knowledge-Oriented Management of African Normative Texts using Open Standards and Ontologies) introduces common structures and ontologies for parliamentary, legislative and judiciary documents. These include parliamentary debates, committee briefs, and the entire life-cycle of a piece of legislation
- License: GNU General Public License 3.0
- About the Publisher: OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a nonprofit organization that develops and promotes the use of standards in the a wide range of fields. Akoma Ntoso is part of the Africa i-Parliaments Plan, implemented by a UN committee, which seeks to increase transparency in African democracies. Akoma Ntoso means linked hearts in the Akan language
- Updated by Publisher: 2017-03-30
- Level of Use: Detailed List: http://www.akomantoso.org/akoma-ntoso-in-detail/use-cases/
- Open License: No
- Transferable to other Jurisdictions: The standard is designed to be general and applicable to all governments with parliamentary, legislative, and judiciary procedures
- Stakeholder Participation: Technical committee headed by a legal studies professor and computer science professor from University of Bologna, as well as an employee of the Uruguayan parliament
- Consensus-based Governance: Akoma Ntoso working group exists on Google Groups. Guidelines for contributions are also specified in the GitHub Repository
- Extensions: Akoma Ntoso website has a page on How to customize Akoma Ntoso
- Machine Readable: XML schema
- Human Readable: Sections of text normally expressed as paragraphs are split up by line in the XML. Legal docs are visually better represented as PDFs
- Requires Real-Time Data: Akoma Ntoso items are static, referring to a document or legislative proceeding
- Metadata: All Akoma Ntoso items are mapped to specific Dublin Core or FOAF properties
Added to directory: 2017-06-27