The Local Government Transparency Code requires that governments publish details of any expenditure exceeding £500. The Local Government Association developed a common format for local councils to publish spending data, providing a data template as well as a standardized schema for local governments to use
- License: Data providers are encouraged to publish under the Open Government Licence. While the LGA maintains a copyright to the documentation, the standard does not appear to be licensed
- About the Publisher: The Local Government Association represents the interests of English and Welsh municipal councils in national government. The LGA also promotes communication between local government authorities and develops best practices. LGA standards have been developed in response to the UK's Local Government Transparency Code, which encourages the publication of government data in standardized machine-readable formats.
- Updated by Publisher: 2015-01-06
- Level of Use: 372 District and County Councils are members of the LGA
- Open License: Yes
- Transferable to other Jurisdictions: Field headers use English government terminology
- Stakeholder Participation: The Local Government Association consists of local government officials who collaborate to develop best practices for local authorities, the would-be stakeholders.
- Consensus-based Governance: Although schemas and documentation are held on GitHub, changes can only be decided by the LGA
- Extensions: The schema contains many optional fields, but additional fields are not supported.
- Machine Readable: CSV format required
- Human Readable: CSV template has readable headers
- Requires Real-Time Data: Contract and spending data are released quarterly
- Metadata: No information
Added to directory: 2017-08-18